一四、脱俗成名 减欲入圣

书名:菜根谭:汉英对照周文标赵丽宏小说结局 作者:洪应明、周文标、周文标、应佳鑫 更新时间:2025-02-19

14. Get rid of vulgarity, and you will become a man of celebrity; decrease the desires for fame and wealth, and you will enter sainthood.
注 释
① 物累:心为外物所累。
② 圣境:至高无上、超凡脱俗的境界。
English Translation
A good personhood does not count on how terrific one’s exploits are; so long as doing away with vulgarity, one will surely become a man of great celebrity.
The pursuit of knowledge needs no help of magic means; so long as shaking off the yoke of fame and wealth, one will certainly enter sainthood.